"Divine Servant" ®

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Click on the images below to enlarge.

"Divine Servant"® Sculpture Bronze Life-size (105%)
(Jesus washing Peter's feet)
3'6" X 6'6" X 5' (1200 lbs)
Signed & Numbered
Note: Allow four months for delivery.
A 50% deposit is required.


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"Divine Servant"® Sculpture Bronze 1/2 Life-size

"Divine Servant"® Sculpture Bronze 1/2 Life-size
(Jesus washing Peter's feet)
21" X 39" X 28" (350 lbs.)
Signed & Numbered
Note: Allow four months for delivery.
A 50% deposit is required.


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"Divine Servant"® Sculpture Bronze 1/3 Life-size

"Divine Servant"® Sculpture Bronze 1/3 Life-size
(Jesus washing Peter's feet)
14" X 26" X 20" (95 lbs)
Signed & Numbered
Note: Allow four months for delivery.
A 50% deposit is required.


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"Divine Servant"® Sculptue Bronze 1/6 Life-size with Bible Base

"Divine Servant"® Sculpture Bronze 1/6 Life-size
(Jesus washing Peter's feet)
6.5" X 10.5" X 10" (15 lbs)
Signed & Numbered
Mounted on Walnut Base & comes with Leather-bound Bible
Note: If not in stock, allow four months for delivery.
A 50% deposit is required.


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"Divine Servant"® Sculpture Bronze 1/12 Life-size

"Divine Servant"® Sculpture Bronze 1/12 Life-size
(Jesus washing Peter's feet)
5" X 7" X 5" (1.5 lbs)
Mounted on Walnut Base


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Click here for information on our Image Use Program, which allows the free use of Max’s art images and photographs by ministries and charities, for their publications, websites and presentations.

Click here for information on our Gift Program, which allows qualified 501(c)3 ministries and charities to purchase Greiner artwork at reduced prices, for the purpose of raising funds, thanking donors, honoring servants of the Lord, or to simply bless others.

Click here for information on our Gospel Funding Program, which allows qualified 501(c)3 ministries and charities to receive monthly donations from
Max Greiner, Jr. Designs.





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P.O. Box 290552  •  Kerrville, TX  78029-0552
Phone & Order Line: (830)367-7874
Email: Office@MaxGreinerArt.com
Copyright © 1996- Max Greiner, Jr. Designs - All Rights Reserved