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The Composition
“The Great Commission”® symbolically unites the Word, the World and the Rock in a design which communicates World Evangelism, and the importance of the Bible. Scriptures featured on the sculpture communicate the essence of the Gospel, Christ’s invitation and His command to all believers to go and make disciples.
The Commission
On January 15, 1996, James A. Johnson, Vice-President of Premier Designs in Irving, TX, called Max about commissioning him to do a bronze globe for the founders of his company. Max politely declined, explaining he was no longer accepting commissions without first seeking God’s will. He explained that he was now focusing on making art which clearly lifts up Jesus.
Max offered to pray with James over the telephone, for God’s will in the matter. During the prayer, the Holy Spirit gave Max a new composition: A globe resting on the Bible. Max shared this different idea with James, who liked it. However, Max insisted that before he would commit to do the sculpture, he needed to first pray for a “confirmation,” to make certain this idea really was from God.
On February 6, 1996, three weeks later, Max was standing in his art display booth at the convention of the National Religious Broadcasters, in Indianapolis, IN, praying about the possible commission. At that moment, a total stranger walked up to Max, looked him straight in the eye and said: “If you had a Bronze of a globe with a Bible, I’d buy that!” Stunned, Max said he was just seeking the Lord about that exact composition! The stranger handed Max his card and told Max to contact him. Without another word, or looking at any of Max’s art, he walked out of the booth, with his wife. In that moment, God dramatically provided the “confirmation” Max was seeking!
Still in shock, Max put the man’s card in his shirt pocket with dozens of other business cards, wondering if he had just met an angel. However, he reasoned angels probably don’t have business cards, or wives! It was then that Max realized he didn’t know which card belonged to the stranger. Max did know God had just commissioned him to create a new piece of Christian art!
Max began work on the sculpture for Premier Designs and finished it in 1996. One year later, in September of 1997, Max was speaking at the Assemblies of God Seminary in Springfield, MO, when he happened to tell the story of how God called him to make “The Great Commission”® sculpture. At the end of his talk, a stranger walked up to Max and introduced himself. He said, “ I am the unknown stranger in your story!” The man was Dr. David Watson, pastor of Central Assembly of God Church, in Springfield, MO. Max asked why he stopped that day. Pastor Watson said he had no idea and wondered at the time why he had committed himself to buy an expensive bronze sculpture! God had used the pastor, without his knowledge, to specifically answer Max’s prayer!
The Creation Process
Max went on to create a number of sculptures, each carved individually. The smaller versions were sculpted out of wax, while the largest size was carved out of clay. This Holy Spirit inspired art is now touching the hearts of thousands around the world.

